Tips for Hiking during The Rainy Season

By | 17:18 Leave a Comment

For a lot of peoples, hiking is one of the most favorite activities. For the lovers, the desire for adventure in the wild is always passionate for every time. Sometimes the desire for this adventure was blocked because of natural factors that can't be avoided, one of the reason is bad weather. But a true adventurer would certainly not be daunted by the challenge of hiking trip when the weather is not good. To anticipate and adapt the adverse weather conditions such as rain which often encountered when hiking, this time I'm going to share several tips for hiking during the rainy season.

Yes, the rainy season will always be present in some country every year, so to make it doesn't prevent us from doing a hiking trip, you can try to apply this few tips to hiking during the rainy season.
  • Choose your destination wisely, do not induce choose a destination that has a dangerous path to go through the rain (eg, the area that is prone to landslides and floods).
  • Check your equipment properly, especially the tent you carry. Make sure there are no leaks in the protective of the tent.
  • Always check the latest weather forecast detail, if the conditions of rain are very bad (storm), do not be afraid or hesitant to cancel your trip, better to get a little disappointed than feel regret later cause you get an accident.
  • If you still want to go to a place you dream of hiking, learn all information about existing hiking trails, avoid trail with great potential danger, looking for a safer alternative pathway.
  • Use an anti-slip shoes or sandals. The rain will make the hiking trail became very slippery, with good shoes and sandals, you will not easily slip when passed the slippery trail.
  • Use the waterproof equipment. Choose a good  and thoroughly tested waterproof raincoat or jacket. Keeping the body remains in dry conditions is one of the most important things when hiking during the rainy season. And use  coverbag to protect your backpack.
  • If you do not have a waterproof equipment, try to enjoy the rain. Hiking while wet in the rain can be fun if you try to enjoy it. But note also the condition of your body, if your body isn't strong enough to withstand the cold of the rain, do not push to play in the rain.
  • Bring a rope and a good survival kit. Ropes will be very useful when facing a very hard trail, a survival kit that also contains the first-aid kit will help you when facing an accident that sometimes can happen to you.

Those are some tips for hiking during the rainy season, may be useful for you, guys. Let's get Hike!

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