Hiking Trip Preparation

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The desire for adventure in the wilderness makes some adventure lovers perform a variety of adventure activities and trips, ranging from mountain climbing, caving, traverse the coast, up to the big trip which often called the expedition. There are various underlying purpose of the trip, starting a journey of exploration, survey, research, or just for recreation.
Every journey needs a good preparation, cause by the natural conditions that never predictable, if we anticipated it not well, it would lead to a dangerous situation. Conversely, if we can overcome all obstacles and challenges, then we will be able to feel the satisfaction and pleasure of adventure.
To overcome the natural conditions that we can not predicted, we need to do a thorough trip planning. How about the terrain we would encounter, how the weather is, how long will we be on the trip, how to handle it, it must be well thought out. Planning a trip will help us overcome all kinds of obstacles that we will face in a journey.

There are several steps that need to be considered in planning a trip. The stages of planning a trip that we recommend is as follows:

  1. Debriefing the ability to select, manage, and use tools, equipment and supplies for the trip such as survival skills, the ability to read a map and use a compass, the ability to use the tools supporting other activities.
  2. Prepare an excellent physical abilities. It is necessary for physical exercise that can maintain and improve the fitness of each member of the group.
  3. Mental preparation, so you'll be ready to face the challenges and obstacles that will be encountered on the way.
  4. Understanding the approximate natural conditions that will be encountered, such as terrain, weather and travel time.
Despite all the preparations and planning a good trip, there is no sure thing in activities in nature, and therefore we also have to look at every possible wisely worst we might face in doing activities in the wilderness.
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