Hiking Gear You Need for Mountain Trail

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Nowaday, adventure is one of the ordinary hobby for a lot of peoples. Hiking, traveling, diving, rock climbing and many other outdoor activities is very popular as a lifestyle. Outdoor activity need a lot of gear that will give you a safety and comfortability when you do an adventure. I will give you some advice about your hiking gear for mountain trail hiking. Its important to know everything you need in hiking at mountain.


Rucksack is the most important gear you need to carry all supply for your hiking trip. For hiking in the mountain wilderness, you need a lot of tools and supply to carry, such as tent, sleeping bag, stove and fuel, cooking and eating utensils, water treatment or filter, and a lot of waters and food. So to carry all of that equip and food, you need a good rucksack.


Activities in the wilderness need a special clothing that can make you comfortable to do a lot of thing without any problem from all of clothes that you wear. Hiking boot with socks will give a good cover for your foot from waters, rocks, and insects that can hurt you. Good pants, long-sleeved shirt, and hat is good for your sun protecting.

Camping Gear

First, you need tent for shelter. Sleeping bag for take a rest, and stove for cooking meals. You will also need water filter, toiletries, and a garbage bag. Prepare it thoroughly, and always check your camping gear before go out from your home. Bad camping gear will give you a lot of difficulties

First-aid Kit

Everything can happened while you were at the trip. So, prepare every medicine you need if  bad accident happened. It will help you to keep in good condition wathever the situation.

Survival Kit

This gear is very important to carry in every adventure. Bad weather, hard trail, and a lot of things can easily make you lost in the mountain. So, when you lost, this survival kit will be very useful to help you survive and get out from a bad condition and situation.

Thats all the basic gear you need for your hiking trip in the mountain. Safety and comfortability is the most important thing to consider before you pick the right gear for your trip. Keep calm and get your adventure!

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