Hiking Gear : Cooking Utensils

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Eating is a basic necessity of life human beings, because life requires energy to be obtained from the food we eat. When located in the central region of the human civilization, obtaining food is not difficult. Various ways can be done, ranging from cooking at home with a full cooking equipment, or by buying in restaurants. Well, it is different when we are away from the center of civilization, such as being in the forest, the sea, or in the desert that far from the city. Of course while you were in this situation, it will not be as easy to eat while in town, especially when we're away from civilization for quite a long time. To meet one's basic needs, we need to bring sufficient food supplies and basic equipment that is essential to carry while traveling, that equipment is field stove/adventure cooking gear.

In the past, cooking activities when you were at the mountains or wilderness commonly done by making a fire by wood, but now, cooking this way is not recommended to be done by the hikers. In addition too hard to do when the weather is bad, the use of wood as fuel is seen as being able to destroy the forest when the hiker cutting down trees for wood as fuel. Besides also can cause forest fires, it is also very inefficient, today hiking culture emphasizes the importance of efficiency in every thing you do in adventure activity. Nowaday, The development of technology constructing modern field stove for cooking while hiking activities become more efficient and easy to do in all conditions, without damaging the forest.

Nowaday, there are a variety of stoves available in the market. The most common field stove are paraffin stoves, gas stoves, and stoves fueled with rubbing alcohol. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Paraffin fuel stove have a compact form, but it is not resistant to storms and high winds that we sometimes encounter when hiking.

Gas stove produces heat better than a paraffin stove, the flame is stable, and also can produced a large fire by set the volume. However, the use of this stove is very risky, frequent gas cylinder exploded due to a clogged hose.

Fuel stove with methylated (trangia) unaffected by wind and storms, beside it, the heat generated is also better than paraffin and gas stoves. However, the fuel needed have a larger volume than paraffin and gas.

In addition to field stoves, tools used when you do cooking in the wilderness is cooking set. Typically used cooking set is nesting. There are various forms of nesting, which is widely available in the market are usually round or square. You can buy this nesting  separately with the stove, but many products are sold sets of cooking equipment contains a variety of nesting and trangia stove as one packages.
One other that is the most important thing on cooking equipment you need is lighter. Many types of lighters are available on the market, ranging from wooden matches, gas matches, gas-fired, fuel matches, and others. Note that the lighters we carry are always in a dry state, cover it with a plastic bag to protect from getting wet when exposed to water.

Cooking in the wilderness would be very nice if facilitated with good cooking utensils. Eat a breakfast or drinking warm coffee in the cold mountains would not have bothered if we bring the cooking equipment that can be relied upon in any circumstances. Choose the best cooking equipment to support your trip, and always check the health of the equipment before go hike.

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