Recommended : Bandung Natural Traveling Spot

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Bandung is famous as a city of tourism that attracts many tourists both from a local and foreign country. Generally, some tourists sucked to Bandung for enjoying Bandung's shopping and culinary which is famous for its excellence. But besides that, Bandung also has many beautiful natural attractions that are required for your visit. For you, the nature lovers, here are some recommendations about natural tourism spot in Bandung.

  • Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Seen from the city of Bandung, this beautiful mountain shaped like an upturned boat, and, therefore, called Tangkuban Perahu. This mountain is one of the natural attractions mainstay Bandung. Its location is quite easy to reach, as well as access roads and facilities are pretty good, makes Tangkuban Perahu as a favorite destination of many tourists who come to Bandung.

  • Mount Patuha White Crater, Ciwidey (Kawah Putih)

Later, a white crater that located in Ciwidey has become one of the favorite destinations of tourists, especially those who love photography. The beauty of the natural scenery in this place very photogenic, making this place visited by tourists who love natural beauty. In fact, this place is not infrequently used as a shooting location for pre-wedding.

  • Situ Patenggang

In addition to the white crater, Ciwidey area has other beautiful natural attractions, there is Situ Patenggang. This beautiful lake is located in the Rancabali tea plantations, approximately 47 miles from downtown Bandung. Thence Patenggang interesting is the presence of a small heart-shaped island in the middle, who named the romance island.

  • The Natural Maribaya

Maribaya natural attractions located east of Lembang, by being in an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Maribaya famous with a wonderful waterfalls, as well as hot springs. For those of you who want to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall and enjoy the hot springs, Maribaya very suitable for your visit with friends or family.

  • Dago Pakar or Juanda Forest Park

Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda or better known as Dago Pakar is a forest area located in Cicadas and Lembang. In this park, there are several beautiful waterfalls, caves, and historic relics from the occupation of Japan and the Netherlands. This region is dominated by pine forests, bamboo, kaliandra, and a variety of other plant species. For those of you who want to enjoy the fresh air from the forest park, the access is quite easy to reach, with a distance of about 7 km from the center of Bandung City.

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