Tips and Trick When You Lost in The Wilderness

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While you are in a hiking trip, a lot of unexpected situation can happened, of of them is get lost. Getting lost in the wilderness is more easy to occured than you think. Dense jungle, bad weather, and branching pathway could be the cause that leads you in the wrong direction. If this unexpected situation happened to you, try not to panic, and stay calm. Good trip planning and your knowledge will bring you back out of that bad situation. I will give you some tips and tricks that you can do to prevent or get out from getting lost situation. Here they are :
  • Prepare a good and complete equipment when planning your trip. Prepare a good navigation equipment and a lot of water and food supplies. A lot of food supply will greatly help you to survive when you're getting lost. One of the most important equipment you should prepare to guard against the possibility of getting lost is a survival kit. Ensure your first-aid kit and other survival tools in your survival kit is really in top condition (not broken or expired).

  • Before you go to hike, tell the information about your trip planning to your neighbors, close friends, or your family. Tell them about when you will go hiking, where is the destination, and when you will go back. When you really get lost, and didnt go back in time, it would be useful to get the rescuers that could save you.
  • Pay attention to the natural condition tha surrounding you while you walk in the forest/wilderness, fallen trees, large rocks, or anything else that is striking in the path of the trail. this will help you to be able to return to the right path that you are going through.
  • When you really feel you are lost, try to stop. Walk on through the jungle will make you getting deeper and further lost, this will make your situation getting worse, it will be harder to get back on track. Stop walking can also help you get closer to the rescue team.
  • Think clearly and throw away the feelings of panic and fear. Analysis the situation with a rational thinking and be wise to make a good decision. Keep walking in a state of fatigue will make your mind get confused, therefore, when the conditions are not very conducive, choose to stop in order to clear back your mind. This tips must you do, in avoid of making any fatal wrong decision
  • Make a plan of steps that you will take to get out of this bad situation. You can choose for camping at night, and try to seek help or get the right track during the day. If you are confident enough to try to find a way back, try to always leave a mark, it can be done by making a mark on a tree, tying ribbons on the branches, or constructing the mound from rocks, as a reminder that you are going through.

  • If all the efforts you did not succeed, or you are too scared to try to find a way out, then the choice is to stay where you are or looking for a comfortable place (near watersource) to camp while waiting for help rescuers. Good preparation of supplies that you brought will give you much more time to wait for help.
  • Lastly, if you do have a hobby or job-related activities in the wild, learn the basic techniques of survival. Knowledge of survival techniques is very important to save you from the worst situation you can encounter while doing activities in the wilderness.
Those are some survival tips and trick that i can give to you, hope will be useful for your hiking gudelines, keep hiking, and dont get lost..
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