Camping and Hiking at Mount Guntur

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Indonesia is an achipelago country with a lot of volcano, Mount Guntur is one of active stratovolcano mountain that located in Western Java. It is part of a complex of several overlapping stratovolcanoes about 10 km (6.2 mil) nothwest of the city of Garut. The last eruption was in 1847. At an elevation 2,249 m (7,379 ft), mount Guntur rises about 1,500 m (4,900 ft) above the plain of Garut. This mountain was one of the most active volcanoes of western java in the 19th century, that fact was a reason wich make Junghunn (path finder to the peak) try to climb this mountain. Guntur means thunder in english.

Long way to go to the top

Now, i will give you some information about camping and hiking in this beautiful mountain. First you need to come to Garut city bus station. Then go to Tanjung village, next step you must wait for sand's truck that will bring you to the last mining location near Curug Citiis (Citiis Waterfall). From there, you will start your hiking trip. The trail was so difficult with risen trail from one spot to another. After long walking, you will find a volunteer post. This place have a water source you need for fill your water supply. After this place, you wont find another water source in this volcanoes. Next, you will find a difficult long pebbly trail before arrived at the peak. Its really dangerous trai, so be careful and walk slowly. Glorious surroundings will accompany the hikers on their way to the top, beautiful view to the city, wide savana, and green jungle was very nice to see while you're walking to the peak.


Camping ground before the peak

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