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Indeed, Indonesia is best-known by its wonderful natural magnificence. The beauty of mountain, sea, forest, river and lake is scattered throughout this archipelago, from the north of Sumatra Island until the east of Papua. Located in the confluence of mountain range Pacific and Mediterranean, it makes Indonesian archipelago have various magnificent volcanoes in great abundance. That magnificence has been acknowledged by the world, it’s proved that the demand of foreign tourists who want to visit Indonesia and put Indonesia on a list of one of their favourite tourism places around the world.

photo fom @rinjanimountain

Due to its magnificence, many beautiful spots in Indonesia become the tourism appeal for the tourists. Then, mountain is chosen as one of the nicest spots mostly visited by the local and foreign tourists as well. Of course, the tourists dealing with that are the mountaineers. They are who deal with altitude, steep filed or peak of mountain. Yea, treading the peaks of the mountains in which often considered as the place of god in every kinda mythological story, hence not all tourists can pass it well. It absolutely requires special equipments and good physical defence to tread steep fields before reaching the highest peak and enjoying impressive view from the top. Apart from that, for those who really want to hike over the mountain but you get a little bit afraid of facing that steep one, just because you are a beginner mountaineer, don’t ever worry about that, nature is still kind to you, there are also several beautiful mountains can be visited without passing the difficult route or even without complete hiking means, but still, provides the awesome natural view if you have reached the peak. Those ‘friendly’ mountains obviously welcome everyone who wants to have such a nice experience to be close with the nature and enjoy the view of the world from the top of the mountain. To enrich your insight about the magnificent mountains in Indonesia, here are the following short descriptions about 7 most outstanding mountains in Indonesia according to ‘IndoHiker’. Which mountains do belong to this category? Well, let’s figure it out!!!


photo from @muhammadarridho

Who doesn’t know this impressive mountain? I bet many people, especially the mountaineers, have already known this one, its magnificence has been acknowledged by the world. Even some international media consider this mountain as one of the most photogenic spots ever exists in the world. Let’s have a look at the picture above, who isn’t amazed to see that marvellous view? Actually, it isn’t really high (the highest summit 2329 mdpl), thus, it exactly fits for those who want to have such first experience to climb and enjoy the mountain atmosphere. Its location can be reached by the transportation so that it eases you to visit this beautiful spot. Located in East Java, belongs to 4 regencies, Lumajang, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, and Malang, and belongs to Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru region as well. The sunrise timing is the panorama mostly pursued by the tourists in this mountain.


photo from @yunustjr

One of the most beautiful and outstanding mountains that becomes the favourite of so many mountaineers. It beautifully exists in around Lombok Island, the beautiful island considered as destination tourism place in Indonesia. It’s mounted enough. Supported by nice natural enchantment makes Rinjani turn out as the spot that has so many visitors lately, local or even foreign tourists. In this mountain, the visitors will be amazed by some natural magnificence, one of them that becomes so poplar around the visitors is Segara Anak lake. It’s kinda a huge lake located in the middle of this beautiful mountain. Besides its marvellous magnificence, Rinjani is also categorized as the second highest volcano in Indonesia right after Kerinci. That’s a strong consideration why people are really fond of this mountain.


photo from @feno_ucok

It seems I don’t need to explain much about this mountain. It’s been so popular among the mountaineers lately. so hard to explain how beautiful this one. If i have to say, i’ts tremendously impressive. For your information, this mountain is the highest one around Java Island. Mahameru, its summit, is the legendary spot. Besides Mahameru, around this mountain, the visitors can also find one of the most beautiful lakes in Idonesia, so-called Ranu Kumbolo. This mountain has been already so familiar after being used as the movie setting of ‘5 cm’ several years ago. Unfortunately, the more familiar it is, the more dirtier it becomes because after being so popular, many visitors come to this place but some of them, I prefer calling them ‘unresponsive visitors’ throw the trash everywhere, that’s why the beauty of Semeru is stained due to great abundance of trash.


photo from @ulfawidyaaa

Nowadays, Merbabu belongs to one of the most talked mountains in Indoneia. Having attractive savanna and its view directly faces Merapi Mountain; it succeeds to attract the mountaineers to tread its peaks. Located in Central Java, belongs to 4 cities region, Magelang, Boyolali, Salatiga and Semarang, so this mountain has many climbing routes, but the most popular route is fom Selo, Boyolali.


photo from @lindacelesta

One of the most talked mountains around Indonesia too. Hutan Mati and Tegal Alun are the two popular spots over there. It becomes the favourite one because it fits for the beginner mountaineer. It’s reachable with the easy route. Located in Garut, West Java. Thsis mountain becomes the nice destination spot for every mountaineer around that region due to its location that is not so far and easy to access. 


photo from @evitadew1

You will be amazed by the lake located around the peak of mountain; the water of the lake is really gorgeous, it provides various colours, it must be so impressive, right?  Kelimutu is not really high, it’s only about 1.639 mdpl, but the speciality of this mountain relies on its lake that has three different attractive colours in which it becomes so popular because it’s used as the chosen picture on rupiah, denomination in 5000.  The three different colours of the lake becomes the tourism appeal for both local and foreign tourists. It’s located in Flores Island, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Ende regency.

Puncak Jaya (Cartenz Pyramid)

photo from @adamdoti

Snow exists in equator, is it possible? Let’s think it well; our region has the tropical climate which means having no winter season. But amazingly, it really occurs. Moreover it’s an eternal snow, in other words it’ll be not melted (in case world climate in normal scale, and global warming doesn’t get any worse), and that kind  of snow can be only found at the peak of Puncak Jaya a.k.a Cartenz Pyramid in Papua. This mountain belongs to 7 world’s highest summit, even considered as the highest mountain in Oceania. Its highest summit reaches 4.884 mdpl. Treading to the peak of this mountain is one of the expensive climbing ever because it requires so many equipments in which every kinda tool needed by the mountaineers costs so much money.

Those are 7 most outstanding mountains in Indonesia, do you guys agree with the writer’s point of view? If you have other opinion, we enthusiastically welcome your opinion; please submit your voice on the comment column below.
That’s all the information we share to you. Hope you find a useful thing after reading this. So, be friendly to nature and have a nice try to visit to those mentioned mountains above!!!  

Bandung is famous as a city of tourism that attracts many tourists both from a local and foreign country. Generally, some tourists sucked to Bandung for enjoying Bandung's shopping and culinary which is famous for its excellence. But besides that, Bandung also has many beautiful natural attractions that are required for your visit. For you, the nature lovers, here are some recommendations about natural tourism spot in Bandung.

  • Mount Tangkuban Perahu

Seen from the city of Bandung, this beautiful mountain shaped like an upturned boat, and, therefore, called Tangkuban Perahu. This mountain is one of the natural attractions mainstay Bandung. Its location is quite easy to reach, as well as access roads and facilities are pretty good, makes Tangkuban Perahu as a favorite destination of many tourists who come to Bandung.

  • Mount Patuha White Crater, Ciwidey (Kawah Putih)

Later, a white crater that located in Ciwidey has become one of the favorite destinations of tourists, especially those who love photography. The beauty of the natural scenery in this place very photogenic, making this place visited by tourists who love natural beauty. In fact, this place is not infrequently used as a shooting location for pre-wedding.

  • Situ Patenggang

In addition to the white crater, Ciwidey area has other beautiful natural attractions, there is Situ Patenggang. This beautiful lake is located in the Rancabali tea plantations, approximately 47 miles from downtown Bandung. Thence Patenggang interesting is the presence of a small heart-shaped island in the middle, who named the romance island.

  • The Natural Maribaya

Maribaya natural attractions located east of Lembang, by being in an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Maribaya famous with a wonderful waterfalls, as well as hot springs. For those of you who want to enjoy the beauty of the waterfall and enjoy the hot springs, Maribaya very suitable for your visit with friends or family.

  • Dago Pakar or Juanda Forest Park

Forest Park Ir. H. Juanda or better known as Dago Pakar is a forest area located in Cicadas and Lembang. In this park, there are several beautiful waterfalls, caves, and historic relics from the occupation of Japan and the Netherlands. This region is dominated by pine forests, bamboo, kaliandra, and a variety of other plant species. For those of you who want to enjoy the fresh air from the forest park, the access is quite easy to reach, with a distance of about 7 km from the center of Bandung City.

Bromo-known as one of the mountain with the most beautiful natural scenery in Indonesia, and even in the world. Bromo's beautiful landscape makes this place as the most photogenic places in the world. The uniqueness of the territory that is included to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a desert with sea sand at an altitude of 2,392 meters above sea level. The most hunted moment by tourists is a view of the sunrise that's like no other on earth. Towards morning, tourists flocked thronged the best spot to enjoy the sunrise of Mount Bromo.

Temperatures in the area of Mount Bromo range between 3-20 degrees Celsius, but sometimes also achieve very low temperatures below zero degrees, therefore, be prepared with a super thick coat to protect your body from the super cold air stings. For traveled roads, can be done on foot or hire a horse. To see the crater, the mount has provided a convenient ladder to climb.

To get to Bromo, you can fly by plane from Juanda International Airport, Surabaya, or Sriwijaya Air which fly 2 times a day from Jakarta to Malang. After that, the trip can proceed to book a travel agent, or by driving a car trough route Surabaya-Pasuruan-Wonokitri-Mount Bromo. The trip takes about 2-3 hours.
And lastly, do not forget to bring a camera with excellent battery backup, because it will be a lot of wonderful things that you can capture in this pretty mountain.

Komodo Island is located at East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This island is one of the most special island in Indonesia, because it is the home / habitat of endemic Indonesian animal which is one of the most famous animal in the world, komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard. In addition, this region is also famous as a tourist destination for diving, because the beauty of the underwater scenery that is rich in biodiversity. The island area is about 390 square kilometers, with the majority of the landscape in the form of savanna. The island is inhabited by approximately 2,000 natives. Komodo Island is included in Komodo National Park.

Komodo island's natural beauty, as well as the existence of the largest lizard in the world makes this island a popular tourism destination for local and international tourists. In fact, some time ago, this island was to be nominated as one of the 7 wonders of the world. Besides komodo, the island is also home to a variety of wild animals such as buffalo, deer, parrots, ferrets, and monkeys. Very suitable for hiking activities carried out in this beautiful island, but must be accompanied by a professional guide to avoid things that are dangerous when dealing directly with the komodo dragon. Komodo Island has also been included into the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

There are many ways to be able to go to the island of Komodo. The easiest way is to buy tour packages with various options provided by many travel agencies. Transport access to the island can be passed through the land, sea, and air. Overland provide buses from Bali to Labuan Bajo, for the sea, there are many ships sailing from Tanjung Benoa Bali towards Labuan Bajo but with a relatively long time the need to 1 day sea journey. For air line, you can use the plane from Denpasar towards Labuan Bajo. From Labuan Bajo itself need to use a ferry boat for cross to the island of Komodo.

Gunung Parang stone mountain is located in the village of Cihuni Tegalwaru, Purwakarta, Indonesia. A towering majestically peak among the rural area of Sunda, this mountain is famous for its stone cliff height that inviting local and foreign rock climbers to try the challenge of this extrem rock climbing wall. Gunung Parang are a number second highest natural cliff in Asia. It took guts to try out rock andesite with a slope of 90 degrees. This natural cliff is a paradise for a rock climbing lovers .

In addition to the magnificent extreme cliffs, rural area around the mountain, presents a beautiful natural scenery. Ricefield terraces, green plantations, as well as a beautiful sundanese village became an attraction for nature lovers of the countryside.